Friday, January 20, 2012

Midnight Movie

One of the very best feelings in the world is knowing you do not need to go to work in the morning. Why you ask? Well if the not working part is not enough there is the lovely freedom that it brings. I am a simple person who loves all that is cozy. I am a homebody and love nothing more then curling up with the future Mr. reading a good book or watching a good movie and enjoying the peace of it all. 

Take tonight for example. It is Friday night, making tomorrow Saturday and my normal day off and even though I have to work in the morning (first weekend in years, I know I am spoiled) I do not have to be there until 10 a.m so I am trying to pretend like it is not happening. Anyway because I am spoiled, and in denial I am acting like it is any other Friday night and I am loving it. Even though Ryan is at work (boo) I am loving that I just had a cup of the most perfect coffee and watching the best movie ever... You've Got Mail. Who does not love this movie? Anyone who just admitted they didn't like it is either A. a Man or B. Has never seen the movie because let me tell you people this is so perfect in its witty, adorable , romantic sweetness that I have seen it a hundred times and it never gets old.

I am madly in love with Tom Hanks (aren't we all, darn that Rita Wilson!)  I think that pre-surgery Meg Ryan is quite possible the most adorable woman to ever walk this planet and I have never wanted to own  a quaint little book store more then I do after watching this movie. This movie combines all that I love, Tom Hanks, New York, Coziness, Humor, Romance I mean really what else can you ask for? 
   Pre-Meg : )                     New York In the Fall

Anyway I really must insist that you all go out and watch You've Got Mail immediately because I guarantee you that it will make you infinitely happier almost instantly. 

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