Friday, January 20, 2012

Midnight Movie

One of the very best feelings in the world is knowing you do not need to go to work in the morning. Why you ask? Well if the not working part is not enough there is the lovely freedom that it brings. I am a simple person who loves all that is cozy. I am a homebody and love nothing more then curling up with the future Mr. reading a good book or watching a good movie and enjoying the peace of it all. 

Take tonight for example. It is Friday night, making tomorrow Saturday and my normal day off and even though I have to work in the morning (first weekend in years, I know I am spoiled) I do not have to be there until 10 a.m so I am trying to pretend like it is not happening. Anyway because I am spoiled, and in denial I am acting like it is any other Friday night and I am loving it. Even though Ryan is at work (boo) I am loving that I just had a cup of the most perfect coffee and watching the best movie ever... You've Got Mail. Who does not love this movie? Anyone who just admitted they didn't like it is either A. a Man or B. Has never seen the movie because let me tell you people this is so perfect in its witty, adorable , romantic sweetness that I have seen it a hundred times and it never gets old.

I am madly in love with Tom Hanks (aren't we all, darn that Rita Wilson!)  I think that pre-surgery Meg Ryan is quite possible the most adorable woman to ever walk this planet and I have never wanted to own  a quaint little book store more then I do after watching this movie. This movie combines all that I love, Tom Hanks, New York, Coziness, Humor, Romance I mean really what else can you ask for? 
   Pre-Meg : )                     New York In the Fall

Anyway I really must insist that you all go out and watch You've Got Mail immediately because I guarantee you that it will make you infinitely happier almost instantly. 

Pinterest Friday

So I promise tomorrow I will do a blog on that oh so fabulous book I read but for now ... it's PINTEREST FRIDAY!!!! Enjoy
Audrey Hepburn
Never Forget
um... LOVE
Perfect Winter outfit? I think so!

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Etta James- We lost a legend today, Thank you for your contribution to music

Dreaming of a White Christmas Cake - fluffy vanilla cake with whipped vanilla frosting & adorned with falling snowflakes
Dreaming of a White Christmas Cake - fluffy vanilla cake with whipped vanilla frosting & adorned with falling snowflakes

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Random Facts about Me

1. I am convinced that my life would be infinitely better if I were just 3 or 4 inches taller (Do you even know how frustrating it is not be able to reach not just the top shelf but the 2nd and 3rd too???)

2. Pink is my favorite color

3. I have been a vegetarian for 4 years

4. The future Mr. is my best friend but my books are a close 2nd

5. I have a love for all things that are cozy, think chunky knits, hot drinks and fireplaces

6. I love the fall and winter, summer not so much. I know that I am in the minority with this sentiment

7. I would wear the color black everyday if I wasn't afraid of looking like an angsty teenager

8. My favorite movie is EverAfter or You've Got mail depending on what day you ask

9. My greatest wish in life is to be happy with enough. Enough food to not feel hunger, enough house to provide my family shelter, enough money to pay my bills.... because my greatest fear in life is that I will never be satisfied

10. I have completely irrational fears such as having tape on my skin eek and the music at the end of scary movies. I seriously hate it on the rare occasion Ryan can convince me to watch one with him as soon as the credits start rolling I make him turn it off because it gives me the heebie jeebies to hear that music at the end.

So that is everything you never needed to know about me : )

Friday, January 13, 2012

Pinterest Friday

The Trinity Library, Dublin, Ireland... so amazing
When I die I want to go to the Trinity Library in Dublin, Ireland
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For When you Feel Insignificant 
Pink Jane Austen...
Pink Jane Austen Book Collection, Yes Please!

hot chocolate!
Hot Chocolate.... Winter Treat!

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Snow Is Cozy!

So is snuggling with the future Mr! 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Let It Be

Well 2012 we are getting off to a ruff start. I really want to make this work but lets just say your inability to compromise is making this difficult. I went into this relationship with the best of intentions but so far it has been pretty toxic. Maybe I am not trying hard enough but there is really no need for you to be so mean.

Do you ever have those weeks where you find yourself close to tears at any given moment thinking over and over again how is this going to work itself out. Sometimes it feels like the weight of life lays so heavy on your chest that it makes it hard to breathe.

Anyway this is not supposed to be a dreary blog that makes everyone want to sit down and contemplate the overall awfulness of their lives. Because tomorrow is a new day with a new beginning and I may not be in control of every aspect of my life right now but I am in control of my attitude and my heart.

So I am going to go snuggle in bed with my puppy, dream about the future MR. (his names Ryan by the way and he is completely dreamy) and when I wake up tomorrow every time I feel the teensiest bit sad I am going to remember to LET IT BE. I mean honestly can anyone think of anytime the Beatles have been wrong? OK maybe the drug phase was a bad decision on their part but overall they are musical geniuses who have provided so many beautiful lessons through the art of music. Honestly try it when you start getting upset over things you have no control over I swear on all I love that it helps to hear the sweet voice of Sir Paul McCartney singing in your head " When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me singing words of wisdom Let It Be" Try it and I dare you to not feel at least a little more at peace.

I know this blog is about books but I see this morphing into being about my life and about books just because I think all interesting blogs are a mixture of the bloggers life and passions. But don't worry I just started a new and so far Fabulous book and I look forward to sharing it with you soon! Happy Reading